Show HN: Org-mode reader, setup for a collaborationtool

Show HN: Org-mode reader, setup for a collaborationtool My hatred for Confluence, Notion et al. has motivated me to explore prototyping a seedling for a collaboration tool that is plaintext-friendly, built on top of Org and is still friendly for non-techies who are familiar with Notion, Google Docs and the likes in terms of usability. The page currently just renders which is effectively the file we use to align on work internally, so we're dogfooding this. Eventually, I would like to be able to just show any git repo and offer collaborative editing that effects a git commit at the end. For the WYSIWYG bit, I'll be meeting with the author of ProseMirror and CodeMirror over coffee next week (hopefully) to spar on good ways to implement this. Roast away, good folks! I can use the feedback especially since I don't know if I'm the only idiot who wants to collab just in plaintext (without forcing my colleagues to Emacs). September 7, 2022 at 11:54PM
