Show HN: WunderGraph – open-source API Developer Toolkit

Show HN: WunderGraph – open-source API Developer Toolkit Dear HN Community. We're Bjorn, Dustin, Stefan & Jens, the founders of WunderGraph. More than two years ago, Jens started WunderGraph as a Side Project. The initial idea was to solve the problem of integrating multiple disparate DataSources into a single, unified API Layer. While solving this problem, Jens realized that his mental model of APIs was wrong. Most API tools treat APIs as abstract things or just endpoints, in a very imperative way. At some point, he realized that there's a better model to think about APIs: APIs are dependencies and we should treat them in a declarative way! And that's how the idea of the "Package Manager for APIs"[1] came to be: WunderGraph is an API Developer toolkit which allows you to import and export APIs, just like npm packages. This is possible because every WunderGraph project generates a static, conflict-free and versionable artifact. It shouldn't take days to add a new 3rd party API to your API layer, with WunderGraph, this is possible in seconds. WunderGraph lets you define your API dependencies in a declarative way. The whole "Graph" of API dependencies is represented as an unified GraphQL Schema. Meta-data like API credentials, can be configured with our TypeScript SDK. API Operations are defined as regular GraphQL Operations. Custom middleware / business logic can be written using TypeScript. Finally, WunderGraph generates a Gateway + Client(s). Gateway and clients communicate via JSON-RPC. We call this approach "Compile-time" GraphQL queries. The client is 100% TypeSafe. The Gateway handles Authentication, Authorization, Caching, Middleware, etc... WunderGraph gives you the Developer Experience of working with a single, monolithic API layer, although you're using many different internal and external Services and Databases behind the scenes. WunderGraph Supports any OpenID Connect compliant IDP for Authentication, S3 for file storage, REST (OpenAPI), GraphQL & Apollo Federation for APIs and PostgreSQL, MySQL, SQLite, SQLServer, Planetscale and MongoDB for the data-layer. Today, we're happy to announce that WunderGraph is finally Open Source! Check out the Monorepo[2] on GitHub. If you like our ambitions, give us a star! You can run WunderGraph locally and air-gapped, no strings attached. There's also a more extensive release post on our blog[3]. Have a look at the examples[4], we're keen to hear your opinion! [1]: [2]: [3]: [4]: June 6, 2022 at 03:59PM
