
Show HN: Kubectl cost – Kubernetes cost metrics via CLI https://ift.tt/3m5RAXE

Show HN: Anon – Create anonymous, self-deleting blog posts https://ift.tt/39sZwNC

Show HN: Signed Work – NFTs, without a blockchain https://ift.tt/3u6uNOb

Show HN: Jamstack deployment providers performance benchmark https://ift.tt/3weJG2C

Show HN: Find people to play tabletop roleplaying games with https://ift.tt/3wpzsNc

Show HN: Make gratitude a daily habit with Three Things Daily https://ift.tt/2PqiGg1

تأسيس المملكة الاردنية ❤️ قصة المملكة الأردنية الهاشمية تماركوف شو

منظمة سرية 🔥😱 جيش الناتو السري غلاديو ردة فعل تماركوف

منظمه سرية 🔥😱 جيش الناتو السري غلاديو ردة فعل تماركوف

مباراة البرتغال ولوكسمبرج 🔥😱 رونالدو سجل هدف عالمي

مباراة البرتغال ولوكسمبرج 🔥😱 رونالدو سجل هدف عالمي

Show HN: Learn to rebuild product hunt's #1 products with no-code https://ift.tt/39toFHH

100 عام من الأردن .. قصة البلد الذي ولد في النار وعاش فيه

سجّانة صدام حسين تكشف اسرار 45 دقيقة معه في الزنزانة !!

رد فعل صدام حسين عندما اخبره الامريكان انه سيعدم بعد ساعات !!

ملخص مباراة البرتغال ولوكسمبرغ 3-1 | اهداف مباراة البرتغال اليوم | هدف رونالدو

حافظ الأسد يحشد جيشه ويهدد الأردن 1980 – موسوعة سوريا السياسية

بن دلاج الجزائري بين أخطر الهاكرز بالعالم..ماذا يخبئ لأمريكا وإسرائيل بعد 7 أعوام!؟

ليست إسلامية ولا تتبع أي دين.. "الغلاديو" الجيش السري للناتو وأخطر منظمة عرفها التاريخ

أفضل 3 قناصة في تاريخ العسكرية العالمية !! من بينهم قناص عربي #جوبا

عندما طلب ملك الأردن الحسين بن طلال من صدام حسين من الخروج من الكويت فكان الرد غير متوقع !!

Show HN: Remote Choice – Discover where to live and work from remotely https://ift.tt/3fwQnXZ

Show HN: NFTPedia – search and find info on NFTs https://ift.tt/3rxlqoR

Show HN: Imperium, a free and minimalist file manager https://ift.tt/3frCbzn

Show HN: Sleekplan – Feedback Board, Roadmap, and Changelog for Websites https://ift.tt/3wd2Jus

Show HN: Collect and View Data from SEC 13F Filings https://ift.tt/3cF4b0Z

Show HN: Build Autonomous Economically-focused Agents using the AEA framework https://ift.tt/3ruO2ze

Show HN: Yazz Visual JavaScript Now on the Mac App Store https://ift.tt/2PiVHDG

Show HN: Play with Shaders Inspired by Slime Mold https://ift.tt/3wdv2c8

Show HN: Writing a simple, event-driven, extensible, rich text editor framework https://ift.tt/3wbEaOp

Show HN: Poulette – A Color Palette GUI https://ift.tt/3dhWKf8

Show HN: Statsig – feature gates, dynamic config, experiments and more for devs https://ift.tt/39pGGqG

تحدي اكل البرياني تماركوف برياني لحم و دجاج برياني و برياني ربيان 🔥😱

تحدي اكل البرياني تماركوف برياني لحم و دجاج برياني و برياني ربيان 🔥😱

Show HN: 8bit live chat with Papercups and NES.css https://ift.tt/3wbRceQ

Show HN: Unlimited app designs, user stories, and landing pages https://ift.tt/3sxS1fO

Show HN: Beehive – Talk 1:1 About Anything https://ift.tt/39pAij2

Show HN: Canopy – API first loan servicing infrastructure https://ift.tt/2QGvEqg

Show HN: An open-source, self-hostable Heroku and Netlify alternative https://ift.tt/3szUA0S

Show HN: I wrote a program to convert lines of text into trees https://ift.tt/3ryfwnt

Show HN: WebRTC-Echoes: Interop for C#, C++, Python, TypeScript, Go and Servers https://ift.tt/31vbBNG

Show HN: Nettu Scheduler – A self-hosted calendar and scheduler server https://ift.tt/2QCU5ov

Show HN: Mosh Mallet: Single packet UDP port knocking for Mosh without SSH https://ift.tt/39oxD9i

Show HN: An alternative to AlternativeTo (GitHub version) https://ift.tt/2PyfgaR

Show HN: I wrote a program in Zig to solve my friend's riddle https://ift.tt/3sJkdfT

Show HN: Suspend DigitalOcean droplets and 3x your use/cost https://ift.tt/3u0UUpv

#تحياتي_وأشواقي | الاساءة الى أم مرزوق الغانم 418

Show HN: A Hacker News CLI Reader (MVP) https://ift.tt/3ddvL4h

صراع الجيوش|| مقارنة عسكرية بين الأردن وإسرائيل فمن سيتفوق على الآخر؟

دول يمكنك احتلالها بدورية شرطة.. تعرف على أضعف 10 جيوش في العالم ... من بينها دولة عربية

سدس يهود إسرائيل من المغرب، وثلث المناصب يتولاها مغاربة.. إليك هذه الحقائق عن المغاربة في إسرائيل

الجزائر "الجيش المجهول" في حرب أكتوبر..لماذا تغيبت بطولات الجزائر التي هزمت شارون من مذكرات حرب 73 !

Show HN: Webletters – discover and review blogs and newsletters https://ift.tt/3sx73lY

Show HN: useNft() is a React Hook to fetch NFT metadata https://ift.tt/39lXbnE

Show HN: Muboard: Self-Rendering and Distributable Mathematics Chalkboard https://ift.tt/3vZV6XY

Show HN: I rebuilt an API-first chatbot platform from 2015 https://ift.tt/2QHpshL

Show HN: Fooder – a private digital kitchen notebook https://ift.tt/31stJrG

Show HN: Togglee – Feature flags/toggles OS library and SaaS https://ift.tt/3cqNqq2

Show HN: A Latin self study course, Khan Academy-style https://ift.tt/2PF72h1

Show HN: Salary Standoff – Resolve the salary expectation/range stalemate https://ift.tt/3ftcAWK

Show HN: Learned to code during lockdown and built a Rotten Tomatoes for tech https://ift.tt/3rD9uSR

Show HN: Automation tracing coming to Home Assistant https://ift.tt/3rvdggE

15 YouTube Video Ideas to Make Money Without Showing Your Face

رد الدكتور بدر الداهوم على مغالطات و تدليس مرزوق الغانم

Show HN: A cyberpunk theme for Python desktop applications https://ift.tt/3ruEMeu

قطار سوهاج .. صور الركاب هذا ما حدث في سوهاج 🔥💔😭🚋 قطار محطة مصر

قطار سوهاج .. صور الركاب هذا ما حدث في سوهاج 🔥💔😭🚋 قطار محطة مصر

صور جميع ضحايا حادث قطار محطة مصر - أقسم بالله ما هتقدر تحبس دموعك من وجع القلب 💔😭😭

أحد ركاب قطار سوهاج المنكوب يكشف كواليس الحادث

Show HN: An open source calendar and scheduler server. Calendly alternative https://ift.tt/3tWZfKs

Show HN: Simpler Goimports https://ift.tt/2PfMmMK

Show HN: HextEdit – A fast and native hex editor for macOS https://ift.tt/3crpoLy

Show HN: Learn Spanish quickly while reading https://ift.tt/3cqzT1v

Show HN: Stackby – Spreadsheets, Databases and No-code APIs in a single platform https://ift.tt/3dffQlQ

Show HN: Reverse engineered Opera VPN client https://ift.tt/3sxVs64

Show HN: Collaborative Smart Note App https://ift.tt/3dbMg0H

Show HN: Google Forms Alternative https://ift.tt/3w4BGRN

Show HN: How to free the Ever Given https://ift.tt/2Pw5030

Show HN: Device Shots 1.0 – Screenshot Device Mockup Generator https://ift.tt/31nRUHG

Show HN: Send Me a Secret https://ift.tt/3w600CL

Show HN: Maximise your salary by (technically) living in highest-paying areas https://ift.tt/3m28BC4

Show HN: jCore – JavaScript library for building UI components https://ift.tt/3u3hYEp

Show HN: UpfrontJS https://ift.tt/2NVNiW1

Show HN: We made a 3D landing page for our product https://ift.tt/3lVyuTL

Show HN: A Chrome extension to see notifications for comments on your HN threads https://ift.tt/3fhi2fi

Show HN: Source generator for SQL commands in C# https://ift.tt/3coPpuR

Show HN: Superadmin – No Code Visual Testing Made Easy https://ift.tt/3cnoGyN

Show HN: Smokeshow – deploy ephemeral sites via HTTP or CLI https://ift.tt/31gSpTV

Show HN: Pixeltex – a fun little LaTeX and emoji pixel typesetter https://ift.tt/3d5KYnX

Show HN: I wrote a book about Elasticsearch https://ift.tt/3rllRCH

Show HN: Stricks – managed C strings library https://ift.tt/3rlaVVF

Show HN: Trove – Curate and publish a knowledge base on any topic https://ift.tt/2NWkLzM

Show HN: Encrypt then upload files/videos to Discord to use on your website https://ift.tt/2Pr2lHR

Show HN: Laravel Artisan Cheatsheet https://ift.tt/2NSVlD9

Show HN: Half Lemons – recipes with the ingredients you have on hand https://ift.tt/2P5MFK8

Show HN: Ruby Range Syntax in JavaScript https://ift.tt/39gsrEl

Show HN: WebAssembly and ffmpeg = Quick clip, overlay, resize and GIF-ize videos https://ift.tt/3sh8On7

Show HN: I built a VS Code Theme Creator – easily make VS Code themes in browser https://ift.tt/2P5pRu0

Show HN: Hoppscotch – Open-Source API development ecosystem https://ift.tt/3lPxsc0

Show HN: Package https://ift.tt/3lSWGqa

Show HN: Wikiyarn – Smarter way to browse Wikipedia https://ift.tt/3d4lAz0

Show HN: A link aggregation site for health content and global news https://ift.tt/31npPA1

Show HN: Arc, an Open Source Databricks Alternative https://ift.tt/39crHzX

Show HN: Beeple Generator https://ift.tt/39cX4e1

Show HN: Nyum, a Pandoc-powered static site generator for your recipe collection https://ift.tt/3lLelzY

Show HN: I wrote a book about my side-project https://ift.tt/2NQaSDJ

Show HN: I build a cross-platform zero-based budgeting app: InstaBudget https://ift.tt/39cVg4z

مسرحية عتيج الصوف

Show HN: Fstalign – A fast and efficient text alignment tool https://ift.tt/3rdfz8c

Show HN: A TypeScript API for constructing XPath 1.0 expressions https://ift.tt/3fc6bzs

طائرة بي 52 ستراتوفورتريس 😱 تماركوف القاذفة التي دمرت جيش صدام حسين

Show HN: Ape Playground https://ift.tt/3d4eFWl

طائرة بي 52 ستراتوفورتريس 😱 تماركوف القاذفة التي دمرت جيش صدام حسين

Show HN: I wrote a book about Go https://ift.tt/3rixkTt

Show HN: SEC 13F Filings – Investment Manager Quarterly Holdings Data https://ift.tt/3tRdy3i

Show HN: Grid – turn existing spreadsheets into interactive web documents https://ift.tt/3tOeUM7

Show HN: Wi-Page – Rank Wikipedia Article's Contributors by Byte Counts https://ift.tt/3fasXHW

Show HN: Encrypt the root partition of a Raspberry Pi stock image https://ift.tt/398uYjK

Show HN: Search engine to find who is working with your target company https://ift.tt/31g76GC

Show HN: Bangle.dev – Collection of tools for building rich text editors https://ift.tt/2QzYuss

Show HN: Suspend Digitalocean Droplets to Disk and Save on Cloud Cost https://ift.tt/31bTMmK

Show HN: New GraphQL Framework for TypeScript https://ift.tt/399Yupw

Show HN: TxtFiddle – JavaScript playground for text manipulation tasks https://ift.tt/2PgfLpT

Show HN: Opytimizer – A Nature-Inspired Python Optimizer https://ift.tt/393Cxs9

Show HN: Runway – Release apps with less bouncing between Jira/GH/CI/Apple/Slack https://ift.tt/3f7bOi9

Show HN: Programmer’s Poop NFT https://ift.tt/3rdj6Dp

Show HN: hdoc, the modern documentation tool for C++, is now open source https://ift.tt/3tHOgUY

Show HN: Episuite, open-source framework for epidemiology in Python https://ift.tt/3rdlSZr

Show HN: PyWebIO – Write interactive web app in script way https://ift.tt/3sjyCPu

Show HN: Email-untracker: Get rid of tracking links and spy pixels (self-hosted) https://ift.tt/399BbvX

Show HN: Sendfiles.dev – quick, secure P2P file transfer using WebRTC https://ift.tt/3lI4f2L

Show HN: Create an infinite scrolling blog roll in Rails with Hotwire https://ift.tt/3tMvlbL

Show HN: First AI generated news letter(powered by GPT-3) https://ift.tt/3lDZ5Vx

اقوى جيش في الشرق الأوسط 2021 😱🔥 أكثر 10 دول عربية قوة ردة فعل تماركوف

اقوى جيش في الشرق الأوسط 2021 😱🔥 أكثر 10 دول عربية قوة ردة فعل تماركوف

Show HN: Art × Engineering https://ift.tt/3vOns7B

Show HN: Cloudboost.io – open-source BaaS platform just like Firebase https://ift.tt/2PckSaB

Show HN: Reclist.me – Share your favorite books, podcasts, newsletters https://ift.tt/3lFuAhL

Show HN: Distributed – Live social chat app to help remote teams stay in sync https://ift.tt/393yOuy

امة عربية واحدة | Arab Union | سجل انا عربي 🔥 ردة فعل تماركوف

Show HN: I wrote a minimal deep learning library from scratch in Python https://ift.tt/3vQM7rV

امة عربية واحدة | Arab Union | سجل انا عربي 🔥 ردة فعل تماركوف

Show HN: LogoMaker – Easily create and download free logos [no email required] https://ift.tt/3tKPpv7

Show HN: I landed a Data Science job without a Data Science degree https://ift.tt/3f0BCMV

مقتل حسين كامل وردة فعل صدام حسين عندما خانه 🔥 ردة فعل تماركوف

مقتل حسين كامل وردة فعل صدام حسين عندما خانه 🔥 ردة فعل تماركوف

Show HN: Career Vault – The largest database of active remote jobs https://ift.tt/3lCRW7I

Show HN: SimpleR State – simplest state management for React https://ift.tt/3cXmoFI

Show HN: Regular expression compilation visualized https://ift.tt/3rdXWF3

#تحياتي_وأشواقي | هجرة ناصر الدويلة واساءات السعودية والامارات 416

Show HN: Put Localhost on the Internet Instantly https://ift.tt/3rhc3tD

الفرقة الذهبية 2021 🔥 من هم القوات القذرة 😱 قوات خاصة قوة النخبة العراقية

الفرقة الذهبية 🔥 من هم القوات القذرة 😱 قوة النخبة العراقية المرعب

Show HN: xocc – C compiler based on BSD license https://ift.tt/3caMBlf

لحظة النطق بالاعدام على رؤساء وزعماء شاهد ردة فعلهم 😲😱⚖ تماركوف شو

لحظة النطق بالاعدام على رؤساء وزعماء شاهد ردة فعلهم 😲😱⚖ تماركوف شو

Show HN: Control a Synth with Your Webcam https://ift.tt/3vMwSjX

Show HN: AccessiByeBye – An Accessibility Overlay Blocker https://ift.tt/3tI9cLH

Show HN: Database of Business Strategies https://ift.tt/3tUyHd1

Show HN: Programmable browser you embed in your app https://ift.tt/3sa1KbJ

5 غواصات قادرة على قتل مليارات البشر في دقائق

أقوى 10 جيوش في العالم | ترتيب جديد

أقوى 5 جيوش فى العالم بحلول عام 2030

ما لا تعرفه عن طائرة B-52 التي دمرت جيش صدام حسين وارسلتها امريكا لضرب ايران !!

أقوى 10 دول عسكريا في الشرق الأوسط لعام 2021

سجل انا عربي | الجيوش العربية جيش واحد .. امة عربية واحدة | Arab Union

شاهد ردة فعل رؤساء وزعماء " لحظة نطق " القاضي عليهم بالإعدام 😲😱

Show HN: Make continuous reforestation part of your daily workflow https://ift.tt/3tD1sL1

"سوات العراقية" قوة النخبة العراقية المرعبة..من "القوات القذرة" إلى الفرقة الذهبية!

ردة فعل " صدام حسين " عندما خانه أقرب الأشخاص له ..!!

Show HN: Online communities indexed by topic, platform, features https://ift.tt/3vLkxMV

Show HN: Papercups – open-source alternative to Intercom https://ift.tt/3vIK4Gt

Show HN: Minimalist Web Components for your static website https://ift.tt/390DvFC

Show HN: Goober.rocks https://ift.tt/2OTNc1x

Show HN: I calculated the monthly cost of ownership for products https://ift.tt/3cQyj8d

Show HN: Wi-Stalk – Analyze Wikipedia User's Activity https://ift.tt/318gCvj

Show HN: Catalst – Find out who has a crush on you https://ift.tt/391DLUD

Show HN: An online game I've been working on (eolsh) and its server architecture https://ift.tt/390hgzC

Show HN: AdBlock-Decoder, a helpful tool to extract domains from a filter list https://ift.tt/3tF3wlz

Show HN: Polar Bear Blog – Minimalist Markdown Blog for Google Cloud Run https://ift.tt/39053dY

Show HN: Alkymi – Data/Task Automation in Python https://ift.tt/3tDrwp7

Show HN: Schedulr – Meeting Scheduling Automation https://ift.tt/2NASpLh

Show HN: My site texts you if Covid vaccine bookings are available https://ift.tt/3f1yro6

Show HN: Libmon – Tokens to monetize your library and offer trials https://ift.tt/3vHN2uW

Show HN: Finger Pool, play pool with your finger https://ift.tt/2P6Omqk

Show HN: Developer First Engineering Metrics https://ift.tt/3r7z5CN

Show HN: SQLGlot – Customizable Python SQL Transpiler https://ift.tt/3s9wb24

Show HN: Drovio – remote pair programming tool https://ift.tt/3901ODD

Show HN: Infracost diff – “Git diff” but for cloud costs https://ift.tt/3cLmXTa

Show HN: Enough Tea – NFTs for Anything https://ift.tt/2PcluNe

Show HN: Hoppy – Public IPv4 and IPv6 Addresses over WireGuard https://ift.tt/2Qm5tVP



Show HN: Video Game in a Font https://ift.tt/2PasyKh

Show HN: Usage and crash reports for Python libraries and command line tools https://ift.tt/3tCAQdc

Show HN: Glue – Pandas as a DAG https://ift.tt/3s3kmdo

Show HN: R/shouldibuythisproduct because Amazon reviews is broken https://ift.tt/3lscos3

Show HN: Inventhub – Electronics product design collaboration platform https://ift.tt/2ODcYHv

Show HN: SpectaQL – auto-generate GraphQL API documentation https://ift.tt/3s2Q1M6

Show HN: A Directory of Personal Blogs https://ift.tt/3ls7bjQ

Show HN: Chat builder – Build a fully customizable open source chat-widget https://ift.tt/3cH7CCW

Show HN: Generate stick figure GIFs from a webcam using openpose https://ift.tt/3vEwST2

Show HN: LitiHolo – a desktop 3D hologram printer that makes true holograms https://ift.tt/38TfDUq

Show HN: Sorted CSS Colors – Sort the named CSS colors in a nice way https://ift.tt/38WlI2l

Show HN: Obsidian - OTP Authenticator https://ift.tt/3qWXOJZ

أستعراض الجيش العراقي 2021 iraqi army military 😱🔥 ردة فعل على الجيش

أستعراض الجيش العراقي 2021 iraqi army military 😱🔥 ردة فعل على الجيش

Show HN: Freeciv-Web https://ift.tt/3tCtCpv

Show HN: LDAP DN – PHP library for parsing and manipulating Distinguished Names https://ift.tt/3tycuRO

Show HN: Public SSH Jump and Port Forwarding Server https://ift.tt/3qWQK09

Show HN: Flat Habits – Org mode habits on iOS https://ift.tt/2P4t3pc

السلاح النووي في السعوديه 😱 قوة السعودية السرية 2021 🔥 النووي السعودي

السلاح النووي في السعوديه 😱 قوة السعودية السرية 2021 🔥 النووي السعودي

#تحياتي_وأشواقي | رئيس مجلس الأمة أحمد السعدون أخضع ولي العهد مشعل الأحمد 415

Show HN: Attract more customers by highlighting why people trust you https://ift.tt/30Pr9LU

Show HN: Visa-CLI https://ift.tt/3qZvLJY

Show HN: Walk in and out of conversations as you would IRL with up to 25 people https://ift.tt/3qWf1TW

عادل امام وراء شهرة المحلات 😱 عصير نفق العباسيه و مطعم زيزو نتانه 🔥

عادل امام وراء شهرة المحلات 😱 محل عصير و زيزو نتانه 🔥 الشهرة من غير فلوس

Show HN: PBJ Live – Add live streaming to any app or website https://ift.tt/2OAaz0h

Show HN: Aphros – create and share a simulation of fluids, bubbles, and drops https://ift.tt/2OGT0vo

Show HN: Find all names, testimonials, logos in a webpage https://ift.tt/2OFzU8M

Show HN: Mailto-links are dead. Long live mailto.id https://ift.tt/3bWofeU

Show HN: Cloud GPUs for Deep Learning – At 1/3 the Cost of AWS/GCP https://ift.tt/3bVb2Tg

Show HN: A platform for EV owners to share their pros and cons https://ift.tt/3qVAI6A

Show HN: Dendron – Super Fast Open Source Note-Taking in VSCode https://ift.tt/3tvCTiU

Show HN: Useful Linux tool, Find wrapper in Bash script https://ift.tt/2NrcEeh

Show HN: I wrote a free book on mastering OpenSCAD https://ift.tt/3qSnk37

Show HN: O(log n) makes continuous profiling possible https://ift.tt/2OJ4234

Show HN: Tellspin – Round robin rotation for at-mentions in Slack https://ift.tt/3lmfZHS

Show HN: A lightweight movie streaming platform for aspiring indie filmmakers https://ift.tt/3cG26Al

Show HN: Free Design Resources for Developers https://ift.tt/38KxE7i

أعلى رتبة عسكرية فى العالم ومن حصل عليها من القادة العرب !

الرتب العسكرية لكل الجيوش العربية

Show HN: A Simple Morning Brew Style Email Template Builder https://ift.tt/2Q7qL9r

Show HN: Improve your Spanish through proverbs https://ift.tt/38P9KY2

Show HN: We built a 0% fee freelance platform powered by blockchain https://ift.tt/3tuwjsS

Show HN: Natto – a canvas for writing and manipulating JavaScript https://ift.tt/30PJRTC

Show HN: Inca.fm – Like Clubhouse, but on a Website https://ift.tt/3trC2A0

Show HN: Reject – HN stories that were prevented to reach the front page https://ift.tt/38HySQn

Show HN: Online Interactive Parser https://ift.tt/38KZO1W

Show HN: Turbo CSS – a CSS Framework that is a programming language https://ift.tt/3vv7Tl2

Show HN: I built a zero-cost, ad-free alternative to LinkedIn https://ift.tt/3cCrBCL

Show HN: Live Curtain – a countdown and banner for meetings https://ift.tt/30KBSqW

Show HN: JGen – Text-based journal generator https://ift.tt/2Qd4Vlb

قبل وبعد ابطال المسلسلات بين الماضي والحاضر !! لن تصدق كيف اصبحوا 😭

Show HN: WebApp that blows water out of your phone's speakers https://ift.tt/30JsYKq

Show HN: Polybox: An tiny PaaS to Git push to deploy micro-services and sites https://ift.tt/3qPjZ4T

الأردن يمتلك أحدث وأضخم طائرة مروحية (طائرة واحدة عن 8 طائرات هيلوكبتر).

من هو البطل الأردني الذي طلب قصف موقعه في معركة الكرامة؟ .. تابعونا لمزيد من محتوى الفيديو

أبطال افتح ياسمسم (الجزء الثاني) (1982) بعد 39 سنة .. قبل و بعد 2021 .. before and after

قبل وبعد ابطال المسلسلات بين الماضي والحاضر !! لن تصدق كيف اصبحوا

قبل وبعد ابطال المسلسلات بين الماضي والحاضر !! لن تصدق كيف اصبحوا

الجيش العُماني ٢٠٢٠ | ( قوات السلطان المسلحة) | #١١_ديسمبر #يوم_القوات_المسلحة |

أبطال افتح ياسمسم (الجزء الأول) (1979) بعد 42 سنة .. قبل و بعد 2021 .. before and after

الملك حسين طلب من إسرائيل ضرب سوريا.. وحافظ الأسد هدد بقصف الجيش السوري .. خفايا أيلول الأسود

أبطال مسلسل عودة السندباد (1997) بعد 24 سنة .. قبل و بعد 2021 .. before and after

أبطال مسلسل الجوارح (1995) بعد 26 سنة .. قبل و بعد 2021 .. before and after

أبطال مسلسل درب الزلق (1977) بعد 44 سنة .. قبل و بعد 2021 .. before and after

Show HN: Create your own cellular automata https://ift.tt/3qPotZo

Show HN: A cross-browser extension for GitHub's URL shortener (git.io) https://ift.tt/3cyAzkr

Show HN: Booker, Python script for making pocket sized saddle bound books https://ift.tt/2PUlWAb

Show HN: Create your own codecademy-style lessons https://ift.tt/3cupSiY

Show HN: Comparison of Bitcoin, USD, Gold and Silver as a Store of Time https://ift.tt/3eGqJzE

Show HN: CorridorChat lets employees network through random 1:1 video chats https://ift.tt/3qKRGVb

Show HN: ShaderRoy - Shadertoy in Rust https://ift.tt/3rNX3Eu

Show HN: Using Genetic Algorithm to Create Fractals https://ift.tt/38B44kf

الممثلين المشاهير في فيلم Dumb and Dumber~هكذا يعيشون حياتهم اليوم !!

أبطال مسلسل نيران (2001) بعد 20 سنة .. قبل و بعد 2021 .. before and after

أبطال المناهل (1987) بعد 34 سنة .. قبل و بعد 2021 .. before and after

لأول مرة لحظات مؤثرة للإلتقاء توأمين منفصلين منذ ولادتهما 😍بعد تعرفهما على بعضهما صدفة على الفايسبوك

Show HN: Reddit Hyped Stocks – A web app to explore hyped stocks on Reddit https://ift.tt/3rHv2OR

#تحياتي_وأشواقي | فشل نواف الأحمد في اقرار العفو الخاص لضعفه 410

#تحياتي_وأشواقي | الأمير يتحدى الشعب ويسقط النائب بدر الداهوم بالقضاء 414

Show HN: Security and Privacy Plus 2.0- a Privoxy based security appliance https://ift.tt/3cwrnwS

Show HN: Monitor your el-cheapo UPS via SNMP https://ift.tt/3qLaPGC

Show HN: Critter.Camera – Browser based motion detection and image capture https://ift.tt/38BTxpb

Will It Big Mac? Taste Test

Show HN: Ephemeral-SSH – A container-based solution for newer SSH version(s) https://ift.tt/30EVWv1

Show HN: Relocation for Self-Employed https://ift.tt/3cxVaoS

Show HN: Formula 1 Statistics Database https://ift.tt/3eBPzRd

Show HN: Bookmark Knocking – Hidden Bookmarks Without a Browser Extension https://ift.tt/30HnsIc

Show HN: MoneyGame – In-Browser Business Simulation Game https://ift.tt/3vf6qz4

Show HN: Live Man Switch https://ift.tt/2NlWq6c

Show HN: Ensō-write and think now, edit later https://ift.tt/3cvn8BI

الجمارك الاردنية 🇯🇴⚔️ Jordan Customs Department💥 ردة فعل تماركوف

مستشفى السلط 😭 غضب جلالة الملك مستشفى السلط الجديد 😤💥 الاردن

مستشفى السلط 😭 غضب جلالة الملك من حادثة مستشفى السلط الجديد 😤💥

الجمارك الاردنية 🇯🇴⚔️ Jordan Customs Department💥 ردة فعل تماركوف

Show HN: Submona – A lightweight webfont version of Mona (Shift JIS art font) https://ift.tt/38xWk2r

Show HN: ReallyConfused – Explore, create and share self-learning tech roadmaps https://ift.tt/3vk8xle

لحظة وصول جلالة الملك إلى مستشفى السلط الجديد

غضب جلالة الملك من حادثة مستشفى السلط الجديد

Show HN: Preql – a database query language that compiles to SQL https://ift.tt/3co1246

Show HN: Authenticator by 2Stable – The missing Authenticator app https://ift.tt/38Bw6MA

فرض ضرائب على ارباح اليوتيوب 😭 يجب ان تفعل هذا 😤 #تماركوف_شو

فرض ضرائب على ارباح اليوتيوب 😭 يجب ان تفعل هذا الامر ؟ 😤 تماركوف شو

فرض ضرائب على ارباح اليوتيوب 😭 يجب ان تفعل هذا الامر ؟ 😤 تماركوف شو

تخريج دورة مكافحة التهريب لدائرة الجمارك العامة من مركز الملك عبدالله الثاني لتدريب العمليات الخاصة

الجيش الجزائري و الجيش السعودي في أحدث مقارنة عسكرية 2021

دول الخليج العربي مجتمعة امام مصر العربية

الجمارك الأردنية | مديرية مكافحة التهريب | Jordan Customs Department

الجيش الإماراتي ضد الجيش الجزائري لن تصدق من هو الأقوى || 2021

المحتل القديم امام مصر العروبة - بالارقام

Show HN: I developed a native Cocoa Hacker News client https://ift.tt/30CSAsr

Show HN: A Terminal Tetris Game https://ift.tt/3ld0ge7

Show HN: Neonpad.io – A neon plain text editor https://ift.tt/3ewR8zV

Show HN: Flat Habits – iOS habit-tracking for minimalists and org mode fans https://ift.tt/3rHVjMR

Show HN: Interactive Org Chart for Engineers https://ift.tt/3vcSh5s

Show HN: Open-source Shell and SSH terminal with end-to-end encryption https://ift.tt/3cqt5jp

Show HN: Legacy Mac Proxy https://ift.tt/3ctQzEn

Show HN: I made a site so that you could get paid through simple messaging https://ift.tt/3vrkrtR

Show HN: Upload and use large files hosted on Discord on your website https://ift.tt/3qJY2Ee

Show HN: Code 3D World – Interactive, and batteries included 3D coding platform https://ift.tt/3qFEIrK

Show HN: Open-Source Hacker News Redesign (React) https://ift.tt/3tcCqlz

Show HN: Futuure – hash-certified public prediction store https://ift.tt/30DF3R6

Show HN: A place to buy a business idea / To sell your 200 unused domains https://ift.tt/3qFCrN8

العرب و المسلمين في الكرتون 2021 اساءة للاسلام 😱 ردة فعلي تماركوف شو

How to record slideshow in keynote

Show HN: Search over 100M archived posts and comments scraped from Parler https://ift.tt/3viYE7e

العرب و المسلمين في الكرتون 2021 اساءة للاسلام 😱 ردة فعلي تماركوف شو

Show HN: Efemarai – Visualizing and debugging ML models https://ift.tt/3eusOhT

Show HN: UX/UI design for a flat monthly fee https://ift.tt/38xLVEd

Show HN: Make Your Photo 16x9 https://ift.tt/2PPWPhX

Show HN: Vax.Codes – Open-source Covid-19 vaccine verification QR codes https://ift.tt/3rEVs3E

Show HN: Ballreport – Key basketball data in one place https://ift.tt/3l5Gz81

Show HN: Generate 3D device mockups in a quick and engaging way https://ift.tt/3vgzy95

تحرير فلسطين من اسرائيل ردة فعلي 😱💥 نشيد الجنود الجزائريين لفلسطين

تحرير فلسطين من اسرائيل ردة فعلي 😱💥 نشيد الجنود الجزائريين لفلسطين

Show HN: No/Low code in-app onboarding guides for SaaS businesses https://ift.tt/3bA5eyB

فلسطين ضد اسرائيل سيناريو حرب مع الحلفاء

Show HN: Soapbox – drop-in audio for casual conversation with strangers https://ift.tt/3rH0jBG

Show HN: Enterprise-grade security simplified for developers https://ift.tt/3qyG7jX

Show HN: Saffire – Controller to override image sources https://ift.tt/30v5UPl

Show HN: A Graphical User Interface (GUI) for Google App Engine https://ift.tt/30vpStu

russian army 2020 الجيش الروسي русская армия

Show HN: Nextcloud as a rootless container & podman play kube with CentOS Stream https://ift.tt/3eqIWB9

الجيش الوطني الجزائري وشعاراته اثناء التدريب (أسرار لا يمكن تتخيلها )|| HD مررررعب 100%

المداهمة العسكرية الاماراتية VS 🇦🇪 العمانية 🇴🇲 || 🔥

نشيد الجنود الجزائريين لفلسطين بقلوب ملتهبة 🔥

Show HN: Catalist – save movie, TV show, book, and podcast recommendations https://ift.tt/3v9h2iS

Show HN: Let's encourage ad blocking (2016) https://ift.tt/3bwv9Hx

Show HN: Singlelink – an open-source micro-site platform https://ift.tt/3ckGEAG

Show HN: We released Docusaurus internationalization: translate your docs easily https://ift.tt/2OGDnU8

Show HN: I made a tool to convert images of tables to CSV https://ift.tt/3ckyx7c

Show HN: I made a non censor social platform, no account needed for posting https://ift.tt/3bvW8D2

Show HN: A note taking application that encrypts in the browser (2015) https://ift.tt/3l0vyEZ

باجه عراقيه تحدي 😱🍴🇮🇶 الاكل في الشارع وهذا الذي حصل 💥 الباجة العراقية

باجه عراقيه تحدي 😱🍴🇮🇶 الاكل في الشارع وهذا الذي حصل 💥

Show HN: Cast AI has built a service to cut AWS cloud bill 50% to 90% https://ift.tt/2N0WmbH

Show HN: Diahook – Webhooks as a Service https://ift.tt/3rJ3clv

Show HN: High Definition YouTube GIF Maker https://ift.tt/38og4pq

Show HN: M3O – A cloud platform for API development https://ift.tt/3qBlPXa

Show HN: Stack Underflow – stackoverflow clone made using MERN and GraphQL https://ift.tt/3ehkB0C

Show HN: Narrated – Personal Screen Recordings https://ift.tt/30sPhUC

Show HN: BossBot – Auto-remove email reply clutter from GitHub Issues comments https://ift.tt/3qovHTW

Show HN: TimetoHerd – Days left until 70% of your country is Covid-19 vaccinated https://ift.tt/3brpgLB

Show HN: Compare routes generated by Google,Apple,MapQuest,Mapbox,etc https://ift.tt/3buG6cq

Show HN: Chrome Extension to Auto-Group AWS Tabs by Region https://ift.tt/3rvusU7

Show HN: Caint.casa, a simple hosted comment system https://ift.tt/2PCJyJu

Show HN: RpCheckup – Catch AWS resource policy backdoors like Endgame https://ift.tt/3v8OQww

Show HN: Farmhand – an open source, multiplayer farming game PWA https://ift.tt/3t5vA1p

Show HN: Pyrustic – To build and publish desktop applications https://ift.tt/3qvPzEy

Show HN: Zeneca, the Successor to Goodreads https://ift.tt/3c7gmC4

Show HN: FAANG.io – Engineering jobs from FAANG in one spot https://ift.tt/3brGfxt

Show HN: OpsDrill Incident Response Escape Room https://ift.tt/2O4HkT3

Show HN: Glassmorphism UI https://ift.tt/3ekHFve

Show HN: Droppin – see which friends are available to hang out IRL https://ift.tt/3tcQtI7

Show HN: COMPOST – A DWeb-native magazine about the digital commons https://ift.tt/30nkQPv

Show HN: Merge Mamba – No more merge conflicts https://ift.tt/38kePHz

Show HN: Host your own Family Feud game https://ift.tt/3cdaJCd

Show HN: API Routing Layer for Financial Service (Remittance) https://ift.tt/3rrVonW

Show HN: I made a parser visualizer using manim https://ift.tt/2PAmQBK

Show HN: Grow My Store, a tool for businesses to compare their store with others https://ift.tt/3sYgb2S

Show HN: SessionGuide – A Location Guide for Photographers https://ift.tt/2OcrhlR

Show HN: OSV, Database for open source vulnerabilities https://ift.tt/3t2a9xV

Show HN: PPPoE client with session handoff between redundant FreeBSD routers https://ift.tt/38jpDWm

Show HN: Use GitHub Actions to serve a serverless service https://ift.tt/3sVIaQA

Show HN: Taro, a lightweight 3D game engine for the web https://ift.tt/38meOmK

Show HN: Counter – Simple and Free Web Analytics https://ift.tt/3ejyJX8

هل الجاثوم عفريت النوم جن أم ماذا ؟؟ ما هو الجاثوم 😱 #تماركوف_شو

هل الجاثوم عفريت النوم جن أم ماذا ؟؟ ما هو الجاثوم 😱 #تماركوف_شو

Show HN: Mito – Write Python/Pandas faster by editing a spreadsheet, in Jupyter https://ift.tt/38jjqtM

Show HN: Simple and Insightful Alternative to Hotjar https://ift.tt/3c87YCq

Show HN: NiMH Battery Tester https://ift.tt/30i6Q9G

Show HN: Freemium Alternative to Plaid in Europe https://ift.tt/38hZ309

Show HN: Buy My Side Project https://ift.tt/3qpIDce

Show HN: wcp – a reimplementation of cp using io_uring. With a nice progress bar https://ift.tt/2O1zr0F

Show HN: Gitamic – Making Statamic the First CMS with a Git GUI https://ift.tt/2OzGj5i

Show HN: ConclureJS: A tiny generator runner https://ift.tt/3bku6dr

Show HN: Toxicity Analysis of Twitter Handles https://ift.tt/3sQXSwc

Show HN: I built a service to share source code without signing up https://ift.tt/3c6TB0Z

Show HN: The easiest way to deploy TensorFlow – Inferrd v2.0 https://ift.tt/3ceilVo

Show HN: How many more times will you see your parents before they die? https://ift.tt/3v323He

Show HN: High-resolution DM42 skin for the Free42 simulator https://ift.tt/3bmOMBB

Show HN: Comradery – an open source community platform https://ift.tt/3kS4CXV

Show HN: I Moved into My Home Office/Shed https://ift.tt/3echWFr

Show HN: PrograMaker – Visual Programming Platform https://ift.tt/38hitSK

Show HN: I made a note-taking app for roleplaying games like D&D https://ift.tt/3rsO63e

Show HN: Connect with people visiting the same webpage https://ift.tt/3sSVANe

Show HN: Send badass bug reports to Jira. With Screencast, console& network logs https://ift.tt/3sU9Wgd

Show HN: Pakhi – Bangla Programming Language https://ift.tt/3vaUzSO

Show HN: I have curated a list of 127 remote companies https://ift.tt/3eio9j4

وزير الصحة الكويتي باسل الصباح: فايروس كورونا (كوفيد 19) مستمر معانا إلى يوم القيامة

Show HN: React component for building split tiles like in vscode https://ift.tt/3qjCpub

Show HN: Screen Box – Context switching by saving the apps on your screen https://ift.tt/3qfuePK

Show HN: Made a Creative Programming Language https://ift.tt/2OwvwsA

Show HN: A website builder for Gen Z https://ift.tt/3eqE3bt

Show HN: Organize Your Homeschool with OnoSchool https://ift.tt/3c5e32q

Show HN: Svelte NodeGUI, a lightweight Electron alternative with native UI https://ift.tt/2MO9tNg

Show HN: Relocate.me – get your next tech job abroad https://ift.tt/3uWExf2

Show HN: Next Generation Website Builder https://ift.tt/3rkZHRV

Show HN: Nextjs and TailwindCSS Templates https://ift.tt/38ehfYn

Show HN: Torrenthistory – an open and legal torrent indexer https://ift.tt/3bhNx6C

Show HN: Bobolink – A Bookmark Manager with Full-Text Search https://ift.tt/2O3elPa

BiG Bo Ft. Mr.Bling _ نطق لساني

Show HN: Low-code platform to build user flows with your current API or IdP https://ift.tt/3c8zUGf

Show HN: Monitor server hardware usage from phone https://ift.tt/2PEB2K7

Show HN: Store profile links at one place. MERN stack and cloudinary API https://ift.tt/3qnXfsu

Show HN: C is for Camera, a 35mm film camera represented in Python objects https://ift.tt/3sVEfTJ

Show HN: BSC-farms.cool – Index for BSC DeFI yield farms https://ift.tt/3sVuTHB

Show HN: jpeg.ink, a ray.so/carbon.now.sh-like for any image https://ift.tt/3uW4X0l

الدرك الاردنيه ⚔️🇯🇴 استعراض الجيش العربي الاردني 😱💥 ردة فعلي

Show HN: Video generator for automated video creation workflows https://ift.tt/3sRB6Vb

Show HN: A tool for your learning, like Anki and WorkFlowy in one https://ift.tt/3bkwn8F

Show HN: Keep track of links, you may want to view later. Open-source MERN. https://ift.tt/3sSbHL6

الدرك الاردنيه ⚔️🇯🇴 استعراض الجيش العربي الاردني 😱💥 ردة فعلي

Show HN: Listen to your network traffic with this small rust app https://ift.tt/3eebRbs

Show HN: ijq – Interactive jq https://ift.tt/3qjFzy4

أغنية أنا البطل محمد رمضان 😱 اغنية فاشلة ومش مصروف عليها 😤

أغنية أنا البطل محمد رمضان 😱 اغنية فاشلة ومش مصروف عليها 😤

Show HN: Package WebAssembly into single-file TypeScript modules https://ift.tt/3c0wRzH

Show HN: LinkWall – Your Landing Page Linked to Social Activity https://ift.tt/2O58pFx

Show HN: NFC Passport App https://ift.tt/3qbWeUk

Show HN: Practical Python Projects book release https://ift.tt/2ML4XPC

Show HN: I created an off-the-grid password manager that you can save to a file https://ift.tt/30aX2OT

Show HN: Chrome 89 Android Autofill improvements https://ift.tt/3kJXAoc

Show HN: A browser plugin that loads Medium articles faster on low-end devices https://ift.tt/2PCb9uB

Show HN: Gleek diagram maker – UML class, Sequence, ER diagrams, Flowcharts https://ift.tt/2NSahS3

Show HN: Woice.me – async voice communication for teams: work, at your own pace https://ift.tt/3qdZQ8j

Show HN: Photino: Native, Cross-Platform Web UI Desktop Apps https://ift.tt/3beT7qz

Show HN: Nextjs and TailwindCSS Landing Pages https://ift.tt/3c231Lc

Show HN: Club – new video conferencing software with fun and social features https://ift.tt/3c5LZMu

Show HN: Ship Investor game: Practise your bet sizing intuition https://ift.tt/3kI50IB

Show HN: Requestbin, a simple CLI-HTTP-server for inspecting received requests https://ift.tt/3kMPUl1

Show HN: Handy Calculator App for Android https://ift.tt/3e6notx

Show HN: Eraser — Excalidraw-based visual meeting canvas https://ift.tt/3qbxdsw

Show HN: Disorg, a disorganized agenda organization tool https://ift.tt/3c2cFgQ

Show HN: Crowdsourcing for awesome marketing content https://ift.tt/2OmXwhT

Show HN: We made a CLI and API to automate inbound email https://ift.tt/3bVkHYZ

Show HN: Scoping the GraphQL API for WordPress with PHP-Scoper https://ift.tt/3kI8meG

Show HN: Open-source push-your-luck game based on Can't Stop using boardgame.io https://ift.tt/3qavF1F

Show HN: Static Site Authoring via SMS https://ift.tt/308nuIL

Show HN: Using GPT-3 style models to Remember Everything https://ift.tt/30871UV

Show HN: Quotedark.com – Stream over 500k quotes in an intuitive Quote-Engine https://ift.tt/307e9Rr

Show HN: PyPSI – Python Implementation of Google PageSpeed Insights https://ift.tt/3uXjSaX

Show HN: NNext.net – A Firebase-like managed vector storage for ML applications https://ift.tt/2NYUXmz

Show HN: Jidoujisho – A mobile video player for Japanese language learners https://ift.tt/3kIJO59

Show HN: NNext – A feature vector datastore and nearest neighbor search service https://ift.tt/308JSBH

Show HN: Smidge – Replacing text chat with video chat https://ift.tt/3q4HUNm

Show HN: Real time AI Video Upscaling in the browser https://ift.tt/3b9Rv1f

Show HN: PhpOverWebsocket https://ift.tt/3uQgPBh

Show HN: Student Loan API – build anything in student loans https://ift.tt/382HAbO

Show HN: Recut, a native Mac app that automatically removes silence from videos https://ift.tt/3e2yuQg

Show HN: We built a node based editor for data wrangling https://ift.tt/3kH8qv5

فلوق جزيرة قاروه الكويتية رحلة غوص 2021 🌊 هذا الي صار في مالديف الكويت 😅

فلوق جزيرة قاروه الكويتية رحلة غوص 2021 🌊 هذا الي صار في مالديف الكويت 😅

Show HN: A network of weather stations to help prevent pesticide spray drift https://ift.tt/2PlXFCR

Show HN: Cognitive Behevarioal Therapy to treat insomnia https://ift.tt/37Y6yZG

القوات الجوية الجزائرية الطائرات العسكرية الجزائرية 😱🔥 algériennes

القوات الجوية الجزائرية الطائرات العسكرية الجزائرية 😱🔥 algériennes

Show HN: Fast Rolling Quantiles for Python https://ift.tt/38hK1aL

Show HN: Easy Simple API Mocking with Mockaroo https://ift.tt/3r87diY

Show HN: Plain Text Sports: live sports games, play-by-play, and boxscores, fast https://ift.tt/3r9vGUT

Show HN: Simple decentralized web hosting on Peergos https://ift.tt/300Thv9

Show HN: Privacy-preserving HN discussion browser extension https://ift.tt/2MGGjQk

Show HN: Extension for Hacker News https://ift.tt/3kxohfC

Show HN: Django SQL Sniffer – monitor SQL executed by a running Python process https://ift.tt/3sDHU8C

Show HN: Communicate important updates to your team via Git commit messages https://ift.tt/37UgTG8

سلحفاة تتغلب على أرنب في سباق !! لن تصدق 😱🐢💨🐰🔥 السلحفاة والارنب

Show HN: An online tool for creating user manuals and instructions https://ift.tt/3bNxkW2

سلحفاة تتغلب على أرنب في سباق !! لن تصدق 😱🐢💨🐰🔥 السلحفاة والارنب

Show HN: A Fast and Flexible C++ CSV Parser https://ift.tt/3bHxVbu

صوتك وانت مركب سماعات 😱 ازعاج بس مضحك جدا 😂 ردة فعلي على تصرفاته 🎧🎤

Show HN: Datapeek – HN Debates Explorer. Find debates, add data to them https://ift.tt/3r5DGX8

صوتك وانت مركب سماعات 😱 ازعاج بس مضحك جدا 😂 ردة فعلي على تصرفاته 🎧🎤

صوتك وانت مركب سماعات 😱 ازعاج بس مضحك جدا 😂 ردة فعلي على تصرفاته 🎧🎤

Show HN: I created an app to make my online reading experience easier https://ift.tt/3b20265

Show HN: A Native Tiling Window Manager for Windows 10, Inspired by I3wm https://ift.tt/3q217iS

Tortoise vs. Hare - Who Wins?

اضخم واقوى استعراض للجيش الاردني 2021 | الاقوى عربيا | Jordan Military parade 2021

الرد على مقابلة رغد صدام حسين حينما قالت عن احتلال الكويت ( أخطأنا وأخطؤوا)

القوات الجوية الجزائرية l جميع الطائرات العسكرية الجزائرية 2020 l Forces aériennes algériennes

Singing In public Funny You Can't Stop Laugh By Arron Crascall

القوات الجوية السعودية l جميع طائرات الجيش السعوديl Royal Saudi Air Force

You Use It Everyday, but That's Not What It's Really For

Show HN: Planck 6502, an open hardware extensible retro computer https://ift.tt/3bM9Rob

Show HN: WebMIDI Enabled Editors and Tools https://ift.tt/37WEo1o

Show HN: Location Based Networking Server Demo https://ift.tt/3b2jRuh

Show HN: Bot that plays Prisoner's Dilemma on Twitter https://ift.tt/3bM0kxf